My Musical Journey

From a young age, my passion for music has been an integral part of my life. My formal training primarily revolved around classical music, under the guidance of the inspiring Denise Kelly, the former principal harpist with the RTE Symphony Orchestra. This invaluable foundation provided me with the technical prowess needed to excel in the world of music. I had the privilege of being a part of the National Youth Orchestra and I was awarded first prize at the Feis Ceil in every age group. This dedication eventually led me to pursue a degree in Music Performance.

My Cherished Harps

One aspect that sets me apart is my ownership of two exquisite harps - a concert harp and an Irish Harp. These instruments enable me to effortlessly transition between classical and traditional music, allowing me to tailor my performances to suit both the occasion - and my mood!

At the age of 9, I visited the renowned harp maker, Paddy McCafferky, who left an indelible mark on me. He not only introduced me to the artistry of harp craftsmanship but also emphasized how each instrument carried a piece of his soul. The result? A harp with the most exquisite tone, an instrument that I still cherish to this day. Though he has long retired, my visits to him remain a cherished tradition.

In my early teens, I had the privilege of performing at Aras an Uachtarain for the first time during a state function. It was a transformative moment that solidified my love for the harp. In my mid-teens, I acquired my concert harp in London, and to my amazement, it seemed that the harp had chosen me, rather than the other way around. Among the many options I explored, this particular harp kept drawing me back with its enchanting allure. These two harps, which hold a special place in my heart, radiate grace and beauty even before a single note is played. They possess the remarkable ability to set a unique tone in any setting.

Enchanting Weddings

If I were to select a favorite aspect of my harpist journey, it would undoubtedly be playing at weddings. I firmly believe in the magic of live music, especially on such a momentous occasion as a wedding.

The harp has a transformative power—it slows the pace, adds depth, heightens emotion, and enhances the beauty of the moment. It seamlessly complements and elevates the atmosphere, creating an unforgettable experience. With an extensive repertoire at my fingertips, I can select music that perfectly aligns with and enhances the vision that each couple has for their special day.